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Meet the team

Cordelia Lee

My name is Cordelia from the disciplinary professional communication and for this project I was tasked with the job of planning the narrative of the documents, presentation and video and delivering all the content for the project. My learning style is pragmatist which came in useful when ensuring our plans and ideas were grounded and feasible. Working in a team of strangers with mixed learning styles and skill set was refreshingly positive as everyone was equally involved and took up the work and responsibility without hesitation. The skills and talents of each member became apparent very quickly as they knew where their strengths lie and how taking up of particular tasks would benefit the group. This was especially highlighted by our peaceful compromises and little to no conflict due to the unspoken intuition and respect shared by the team, influencing the project’s progress tremendously.

Yan Ni

Chong Yan Ni

Hello! My name is Yanni and as a Professional Communications student, I played the roles as a strategist and finisher in our project. I took part in the planning and researching of the content and tidying up of documents. I am also a Theorist, which makes analyzing statistics and theories so fun for me! I think it is often intimidating to work with new team members as there are uncertainties in work attitudes and expectations. However, everyone looked beyond the uncertainties and contributed effortlessly with whatever skills they have to offer. No one complained about doing a bit more work or claimed credits, neither did the team settled for mediocre work. I think sharing the same mindsets and goals helped influenced many of the team decisions and this project itself. Everyone respected each other’s views and decided on what was going to be the best for the team.

Willie Ng

My name is Willie and I am from Professional Communications. However, with my experience as a design student in my tertiary education, I was able to take on the tasks of designing the advertising posters and website designing, which I personally enjoyed contributing to the team. With the learning style of a Reflector, I was able to observe and reflect on possible mistakes we made along the way. An insight I gained from the teamwork process is that everyone in the team works well together despite coming from different backgrounds. The team was able to communicate well and had the will to achieve the same intended goal in mind, which made the project a smooth sailing one. One of the moments that informed the team decisions & influenced the project was when the team has decided on doing an open brief & were having discussions on what pains us the most as SIM students. All of us immediately arrived on transport as we were complaining about how tough it was to get to school, especially during peak hours. That initial conversation set the tone for the rest of our decisions as we seamlessly landed on our idea of bettering the commute of SIM students & possibly even the management staff. This moment led me to realize that despite the lack of prior interaction the team had a certain chemistry & we were not afraid to get gritty. Teamwork makes the dream work!


Dion Leow

My name is Dion from the disciplinary specialization, Communication Design. With my experience in UX/UI design, I took charge of the website and application designs and various other design aspects of this project. As a Reflector, I was able to step back and observe the direction my team is going to ensure we are on the right track. I learned that with everyone in the team having self-initiative and completing the allocated task on time without any reminders from each other, really enhances the team dynamics. Working with people that are skilled in different areas that they are good in has certainly provided a different perspective of opinions.


Mark Yong

My name is Mark and I am from Communication Design. I oversaw doing of the illustrations and filmography. My learning style is a theorist, which assisted in the illustrations and video producing as they had to be mathematically precise (clean illustrations, timing, and pacing of video etc.) An insight I gained while working with new people is there are unspoken expectations, and everyone tries to put in their bit of effort to make the team and project a success.  One of the key moments highlighted was when the team was working together after school, starting from the early morning to late afternoon showed the dedication and attitude of my members. This made me trust the team I was working with making the project relatively smooth sailing.








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